Ablaze Publishing embarked on a journey to bring the horror manga Gannibal by Masaaki Ninomiya to English readers through a Kickstarter campaign launched recently. The campaign aims at funding a limited-edition hardcover version encapsulated in a complete 13-volume box set. Besides this collector’s treasure, other rewards encompass digital versions, hardcover collections of varying volumes, and an original sketch by Masaaki Ninomiya for the highest reward tiers. A special early bird offer was also on the table for the first 24 hours of the campaign launch.
Reward Tiers and Exclusivity
The Kickstarter campaign is not merely a pre-order platform but a gateway to exclusive rewards. Backers at different tiers can lay hands on digital and hardcover versions of the manga. With the top tiers bagging an original sketch by the creator himself. Additionally, a bookplate and backers’ names in the book releases are part of the reward scheme, adding a personal touch to the backing experience.
The Gannibal manga
Gannibal unravels the eerie narrative of Daigo Agawa, a police officer designated to a remote mountain village named Kuge. As he delves into a suspicious death, he slowly unveils the village’s dark secret of cannibalism. This spine-chilling tale initially sprung to life in Japan’s Weekly Manga Goraku magazine. Thanks to Nihonbungeisha, back in 2018 and reached its thrilling conclusion in 2021. Following the narrative’s journey, the 13th and final volume saw its release in Japan in February 2022, marking the end of an eerie chapter.
Bringing Gannibal manga to the English Audience
The objective behind Ablaze’s Kickstarter initiative is to facilitate the English language release of this international bestseller in a limited edition hardcover format. The first volume is slated for a November release in North America, followed by the second volume in February 2024. While the manga will be available digitally and physically outside the Kickstarter realm. The hardcover edition remains an exclusive to the Kickstarter backers.
The Kickstarter campaign by Ablaze represents a significant stride towards catering to the English-speaking audience’s horror manga appetite. With the lure of exclusive rewards and the promise of a chilling narrative. The campaign cordially invites manga enthusiasts to be part of this thrilling venture. Through this initiative, there’s a seamless transition from merely being a reader to an active participant in bringing this spine-tingling saga to a broader audience. Hence, it’s not merely a campaign; it’s an open invitation to a haunting yet enthralling journey that awaits.