In “Attack on Titan,” the massive Walls – Wall Maria, Wall Rose, and Wall Sina – stand as humanity’s last defense against the monstrous Titans. But these structures, despite their grandeur, have their shortcomings Flaws . Let’s delve into the design flaws of these walls, drawing examples from the anime, and suggest improvements using modern engineering insights, all while respecting the series’ technological constraints.
The Walls: Flaws of Attack on Titan Walls
The colossal Walls in “Attack on Titan” rise 50 meters high, constructed from a material called “Titan skin.” They serve as the primary barrier against the Titans. Yet, these impressive barriers have flaws that have led to several disasters in the series.
A significant flaw? No surveillance. Without any monitoring system, detecting a Titan attack becomes challenging until the damage is done. This lack of foresight became evident when the Colossal Titan’s first appearance caught Shiganshina District’s residents off guard, causing Wall Maria’s disastrous breach.
The Walls also have limited access points. In emergencies, these few gates can cause congestion, making Titan breaches more likely. Wall Maria’s fall showcased this flaw, as the restricted exits led to many deaths during the evacuation.
And once a Titan breaks through? The Walls lack an internal defense mechanism. The Battle of Trost District highlighted this when a single Titan wreaked havoc before its defeat.
Another hidden danger? The Walls house countless Colossus Titans. If someone awakened these Titans, the Walls would collapse. Eren Yeager made this a reality when he unleashed the Founding Titan’s power.
Lastly, while the Walls offer security, they also foster a false sense of isolation. The inhabitants’ ignorance of the outside world made them vulnerable, as seen when Marley’s Warriors infiltrated, causing immense damage.
Further Readings: Attack on Titan: Examining the Dark and Brutal Realities of Humanity
Engineering the Perfect Defense for Flaws of Attack on Titan Walls
Considering the “Attack on Titan” universe’s resources and technology, we can suggest several enhancements for the Walls.
- Improved Surveillance: Deploy airships for early Titan detection. Use signal flares for quick communication, ensuring swift reactions to threats.
- Structural Reinforcements: Strengthen the Walls with more Titan skin or other materials. Design them with sealable compartments to contain breaches.
- Enhanced Defenses: Introduce Anti-Titan artillery for added defense. Install the “Executioner from Hell” at strategic points to eliminate Titans that breach the first line of defense.
- Optimizing Vertical Space: Use Vertical Maneuvering Equipment to build high-altitude watchtowers and pathways. This allows better surveillance and faster breach responses.
- Fortifying Outer Districts: Add secondary walls, moats, or other barriers to slow Titans. Equip these areas with Anti-Titan artillery and Vertical Maneuvering Equipment squads.
- Better Training: Regular drills, advanced combat training, and strategies tailored for different Titans can prepare defenders more effectively.
By blending modern engineering with the series‘ tech, we can transform the Walls from a flawed defense mechanism into a formidable fortress against Titan onslaughts.
In conclusion, while the Walls in “Attack on Titan” represent a series marvel, they have their weaknesses. But by integrating modern engineering with the series’ tech, we can bolster humanity’s defenses against the Titans.